CNC Turning

Enhance your product with CNC turning for precise cylindrical shaping, ensuring optimal functionality and efficiency in your design.

Precision Manufacturing

with Zero Point CNC Turning

What is CNC Turning?

CNC turning is a crucial machining method involving a lathe and computer-controlled tools to gradually shape a rotating workpiece. Governed by numerical control, this precise process creates intricate cylindrical components. Notably, CNC turning has the capability to incorporate live tooling, enabling additional operations like milling and drilling without repositioning. This automated and highly precise process is indispensable in manufacturing for crafting shafts, pins, and cylindrical parts across diverse industries, including automotive and aerospace.

What Materials can be Turned?

CNC turning is a versatile machining process suitable for a variety of materials. Common materials that can be turned include:

Advantages of CNC Turning?

  • Precision: CNC turning ensures exceptional precision and accuracy in creating cylindrical components, meeting tight tolerances.
  • Versatility: Adaptable to various materials, from metals and plastics to wood and composites, providing flexibility in manufacturing.
  • Efficiency: Automated operation enhances efficiency, enabling continuous and uninterrupted machining for increased productivity.
  • Complex Geometry: Capable of producing intricate and complex geometries that might be challenging with traditional machining methods.
  • Reduce Material Waste: CNC turning minimizes material waste due to its precision, contributing to cost-effectiveness and sustainability.
  • Cost-Effective: Economical for large production runs, as the automated process reduces labor costs per unit.

Biggest Advantage

Cylindrical Parts

The most significant advantage of CNC turning in industry is its exceptional efficiency in producing rotational parts and components. CNC turning excels in crafting cylindrical shapes, such as shafts and pins, with speed and precision. This efficiency becomes particularly pronounced in scenarios where the primary requirement is rotational symmetry. The continuous rotational motion of the workpiece in CNC turning allows for rapid material removal and streamlined production, making it a pivotal method for manufacturing components like screws, bolts, and other rotationally symmetric parts.

Try CNC Turning with ZPM

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